On the old server, we were using GPG 1.something. When I setup the new servers, I installed GPG4WIN, which installed GnuPG for me. I hadn't realised, but the GPG version it had installed was GPG2.something.
My powershell was doing this:
$startProcParams = @{
'FilePath' = $gpgexe
'ArgumentList' = "-v --batch --yes --passphrase $gpgpassword -o $outfile -d $($gpgfile.FullName)"
'RedirectStandardError' = "$logfile-err"
'RedirectStandardOutput'= "$logfile-out"
'Wait' = $true
'NoNewWindow' = $true
'UseNewEnvironment' = $false
$proc = Start-Process @startProcParams
On the surface things looked ok but when the script ran, GPG popped up a UI dialog requesting the passphrase (pinentry.exe as it turned out). Apparently, GPG v2.something no longer accepts the --passphrase parameter.
The solution I eventually found was to pipe the passphrase into gpg.exe
echo mYpAsSpHrAsE| & 'C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuPG\bin\gpg.exe' --passphrase-fd 0 --pinentry-mode=loopback --batch --yes -d "$($gpgfile.FullName)" > $decryptedOutFile
note the space after "echo", but NOT before the pipe.I don't really understand why yet, but this causes an error when you try on use the -o flag. Removing this caused GPG to send the plaintext content to stdout however, so I simply used a pipe on the end to send it to a file.
Other downsides are that I can no longer capture the stdout and stderr neatly into the same log file as the rest of the process.
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